
Reproductive Software Features

PigCHAMP Reproductive is the best-in-market swine production management software, giving you the ability to make the very best business and management decisions, and offering unique features and benefits that are unmatched by competitors.

PigCHAMP Reproductive is powerful

  • Easily manage current and historical production data of all your sows.
  • More than 40 standard reports that are customizable, filterable and have a unique drill down capability.
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  • Interfaces with other industry software, including genetics companies, feed companies and electronic sow feeding systems.
  • Built-in data validation prevents data-entry error.
  • Seamlessly integrates with PigCHAMP Grow-Finish.
  • When coupled with PigCHAMP Mobile hand-held units, puts real-time information in the palm of your hand.

PigCHAMP Reproductive is flexible

  • Can be set-up in a networked environment and allows for multiple users.
  • Customizable data entry fields and reports.
  • Can be used from anywhere you have internet access using PigOnline - from your phone, tablet, or laptop computer.

PigCHAMP Reproductive is easy to use

  • Uses a familiar windows-based interface and a simple tree-view navigation.
  • PigCHAMP staff can help you install, set-up and get started, including converting your data from another software program.
  • Dedicated customer support available online and by phone.

Find out more about PigCHAMP Reproductive features and Software Program Features.

Translated Sample Report

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