PigCHAMP Products

Thanks, Hailey!

Thank you, Hailey, for all of your hard work this summer at PigCHAMP! We have enjoyed getting to know you and hope we have been able to guide you inot your next journey in life.

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PigCHAMP and SisPro Inc. at OPORPA in Mexico

PigCHAMP Knowledge Software will be represented at the 7th Congreso Nacional de Productores Porcícolas in Mexico on October 17-20.

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2018 Story County Youth Grill-Off

July 22nd was the 3rd Annual Story County Pork Producers Youth Grill-Off at the Story County Fairgrounds in Nevada, IA! PigCHAMP was a proud sponsor of this great community event.

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Grillin' with News 4

  PigCHAMP's own Brenda Reichle was featured on KTIV-TV News 4's segment called "Grillin' With 4." News 4 hosts a contest where anyone can submit a pork recipe to compete against others in the area. The recipe and video can be found here Brenda submitted her recipe for Grilled Pork Sauvlaki and was the weekly winner! She received many different pork-related prizes, including an apron that says, "Pork to the People," and a pig-shaped cutting board. This contest will continue through th ...

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PigCHAMP Mobile App is here!

PigCHAMP is proud to announce the release of the PigCHAMP Mobile App; the latest in our handheld data entry systems. This new app allows for...

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Recent comments
  1. Re: Minh Hoang DVM Lecture “Data Management in a farm – How important”

    Dear PigCHAMP team, Thanks for your great support to share your program with students. Your program is...

    -- Minh Hoang

  2. Re: Vote today for your favorite WPX New Product!

    This post contains helpful facts which are the helping hand to the readers. Always this blog has very...

    -- custom essay writing service

  3. Re: The Quest for the all-American hot dog!

    We were tempted to persuade Natasha to not go home... Pork producers in South Africa are fortunate to...

    -- Bob

  4. Re: Bring en braai... or, potluck lunch in Iowa.

    It's really interesting to read about different cultures - especially the food!

    -- Pigfarmer

  5. Re: Meet our agents! Natasha Ferguson from PIC South Africa.

    It's been fun reading about your trip to Ames! I too have enjoyed the hospitality of that great group...

    -- Mary