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Posted on Thursday, July 23, 2015 By Natasha Ferguson
Bright and early , Donna and I went to a farm for a visit, in order for me to see how they implement the device in their daily production. Shaun took us through each of his barns and all I can say is WOW, his pigs are perfect!! He showed me how he enters the data directly in the farrowing barn, and I was amazed at how quickly it was done. He even took a picture of me and Donna in our white overalls and I even had bright pink flip flops. So much fun!
Then the hunt for a real American ...
Posted on Monday, July 20, 2015 By Natasha Ferguson
Wow! The people working at PigCHAMP head office really are the best of the best. We started out the day with a meeting where I was able to meet all of them and get to know each one a bit better.
Shayleen and Teresa were able to get everything setup in order for us to get started. We covered a wide range of areas, and I am super excited on showing all our clients South Africa. I even learned that there are a lot of easier ways to target down on a specific problem, saving ...