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Posted on Sunday, July 19, 2015 By Natasha Ferguson
As a mom and partner it is never easy saying goodbye to your loved ones on the airport, luckily you wont be the only one saying goodbye and shedding a tear. A lot of people are curious as to how I manage work and being a mom... my answer is simple, I have a very loving, supportive and caring man in my life. He takes care of our children when I need to travel, and I am then able to focus on the task at hand.
Posted on Thursday, June 25, 2015 By anonymous
Donna and Jayne sure are busy. Long days at the Japfa Comfeed farm, coupled with 2-3 hours of commuting to and from Ho Chi Minh City, mean that they don't always have time to write about their day's experiences... but I usually do get some photos!
Posted on Wednesday, June 17, 2015 By Jayne Jackson
The Grow-Finish team was actively engaged in learning how to enter historical data into the PigCHAMP Grow-Finish program. They are nearly caught up!
Posted on Tuesday, June 16, 2015 By Jayne Jackson
Ahh... now the real reason we are here. To implement and train on the PigCHAMP Reproductive and Grow-Finish program for the second largest producer in Vietnam, Japfa Comfeed. (Read more about Japfa Comfeed)