The Japfa office is about 1 to 1 1/2 hour commute from our hotel depending on the traffic. A company driver picks us up every day at 7:30 a.m., which is a good thing as Donna and I both agree there is no way we could drive here! (This quick video will give you a glimpse of what the experience of driving in Vietnam is like!)

Boy did we get a lot accomplished today … we were able to convert their Reproductive farm data (2500 females) from an Excel format in to the PigCHAMP program and at the same time created formats and protocols for moving forward with the remaining 13 farms.

After lunch we split into 2 teams for data entry training - either Reproductive or Grow-Finish. For each team the farm manager and an office administrator began to learn hands on how to navigate in the program and began data entry … tell you what, by end of day these ladies were entering like old pros!