When Donna and I first came to Vietnam in April, we did a self-walking tour of the city the morning we first arrived. Although it was wonderful, it maybe not the best idea with jet lag. So this time we thought we would take it easy and just walk around near the hotel.

On our last visit there was lots of construction over by the City Hall near the hotel so we thought we would go see the progress… wow who new beautiful gardens, fountains and a very prominent statue of Ho Chi Mein and just month ago it was a very large pile of dirt.


We continued on to one of the local mall (OK, mega mall) to do a bit of window-shopping in air conditioning and to find a bookstore. While there caught a late lunch and then strolled back to the hotel for a swim… that is without getting run over by a scooter.

Later, we walked over to restaurant close to hotel for some BBQ. We did not realize it was cook your own however, it was so cool. We (as always I) went a little nuts and wanted to try everything. The pork skewers were excellent but my favorite was the grilled beef rolls in la lot leaves …just yum!

Tomorrow we stop being tourists and get down to business!