Wow! The people working at PigCHAMP head office really are the best of the best. We started out the day with a meeting where I was able to meet all of them and get to know each one a bit better.
Shayleen and Teresa were able to get everything setup in order for us to get started. We covered a wide range of areas, and I am super excited on showing all our clients South Africa. I even learned that there are a lot of easier ways to target down on a specific problem, saving you and the client much needed time.
We had lunch from a local place called Hickory Park and the food was good. The weather is absolutely amazing and it is a great break from the cold back home, even though our cold weather is like a spring break to everyone here. 
Afterwards it was back to training…and again, Shayleen is so good at what she does, I feel so lucky that she took the time out of her busy schedule to give me training. We covered it all by the end of the day.
Jayne took me out to dinner, and the food was divine!!! Shrimp pasta, I don’t have a picture because I ate it all. We had such fun with great conversations and great food in a great place.
Back to the hotel for much needed rest. Tuesday its time for Mobile training…Looking forward to it!