A Day In the Life

Thousands of miles separate swine producers across the world. As you travel from country to country, you notice differences of geography, languages and customs, but what about swine production practices? We thought it would be interesting to hear from several swine producers pertaining to: What’s a typical day like, setting goals, motivation, etc. Read their stories and hear about “A Day in the Life”.


Never Stop Improving: Genetic Improvement in the Pig Industry

The domestication from the wild boar to the domestic pig centuries ago was the onset of genetic improvement in pigs. Since then, different breeds and lines have been developed.


Sick of Disease? Genetics Can Help.

If you think a sick child is a handful, how about a 300 kg sow with a fever? From lost production to treatment expenses, pig health problems can be hazardous to your financial health. Fortunately, when a problem persists in the pork industry these days, the solution might be found in your favorite pair of genes.


Genes Help Scientists Get Selective

Given that none of us would be here without them, genes are very important. As technology continues to advance at lightning speed, scientists are learning more about genes and how to harness their power for selective breeding. The idea sparks a variety of burning questions, but perhaps the most fundamental one can be simply stated: What IS selective breeding?


Selecting the Best Pig

The swine industry faces many challenges, such as implementing loose sow housing, reducing antibiotic use and contending with labor shortages. In light of these challenges, providing producers with a pig that is self-sufficient throughout its life will be a vital role for genetic suppliers.


USA 2018 Year Summary

Total number of farms: 375


Benchmarking Data: The Truth About Your Business

Comprehensive records exist to allow us to benchmark reproductive and growing pig performance. A “benchmark” is, in the truest definition, a point of comparison. We often think this is a modern concept, but in fact the practice dates back to ancient times when Japan sent teams to China in 1607 A.D. to learn the best practices for business. This dataset includes multiple genetics and is not stratified by herd size or health. These quotes put the value of benchmarking in perspective:


Bringing Global Pork Production to the Kitchen Table

According to the Pork Checkoff, pork is the number one consumed meat animal protein in the world. Many factors contribute to the steady annual increase in pork consumption around the world.


Do All Gilts Lead The Way?

Using gilts’ performance to gauge future health and production makes sense. The gilt and litter (parity) 1 journey become the building blocks of the parity 2, parity 3 and parity 4 sow.


Progress By Benchmarking

Benchmarking is the process of comparing your business processes and performance metrics to a database, allowing producers to make comparisons of the key drivers for production and profitability. This tool is extremely powerful when all participants use the same record-keeping system, which provides a basis for consistent interpretation.


Data-Driven Decision Making

We have no shortage in the amount of data available today. On the farm, we can access data from such information systems as PigCHAMP, historical data in barn controllers, cost data in accounting software, purchase history data from feed vendors, and software data in your mill. An individual does not have to go far to look for data to evaluate something about his/her pig business.


Evidence Based Pig Production

Raising livestock as part of a business can be challenging in volatile global markets. Many external and internal factors affect income and expenses. In this environment, how can you most effectively control your system through captured data and the key people who operate your enterprise? The best approach, I argue, is to track performance and profitability in as close to real time as possible, and to be able to forecast future performance and revenue.


Accelerating Genetic Development And Progress

Swine genetics companies not only strive to improve product performance for their customers but also to add value throughout the pork production chain. To accomplish these aims, we collect and connect multiple sources of data, including that on purebred and commercial crossbred production performance, reproduction, carcass and packer, genotypes and more. The goal is to improve performance and profitability for everyone that utilizes our products.


More Than the Sum of the Parts

Western democracies were built on the belief that when individuals or businesses act in their own self-interests, the most efficient means of production are achieved. However, the question always is: “What exactly is our individual finterest?”Of course, the goal of virtually every business is profit. Not necessarily short-term profit but long-term, stable return on invested capital. That focus means suppliers and customers have to be chosen to support the long-term goals.


Demystifying New VFD Compliance

If you’re a bit – or even a lot – confused about the new Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) rule that took effect Oct. 1, 2015, and the new feed and water antibiotic labels that will be phased in by December 2016, you are not alone. That said, the confusion can be lessened. Per Creighton Abrams: “When eating an elephant, take one bite at a time.” The “elephant” in this case is the new VFD.


The Impact of VFDS on Swine Production

Veterinary Feed Directives (VFDs) will fundamentally shift and change how food is produced and will impact every level of production including feed mills, producers and the veterinarians that serve them. There are and will continue to be unknown costs associated with VFDs. Also, feed mills will more than likely be required to police the system.