Spring 2023
Graham Dyer, President & CEO
For the 2023 issue of Benchmark magazine, we have gone back to basics. Big data is a trendy term today, even though the value of the data has never been in doubt going back to the 1980s when PigCHAMP was first developed at the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine.
The use of data in the swine industry has transformed the industry, setting standards for best practices.
The original intent of the PigCHAMP product was to serve as a platform for data collection for research purposes. As it has in the past, PigCHAMP continues to supply data to clinical researchers at universities both domestically and internationally.
For the 2023 edition of Benchmark magazine, we have worked with some of these renowned research groups to bridge the gap between research in a lab and how it can be applied on your farm.
But it’s not only research that is covered in this edition of Benchmark. With some of the articles and the Benchmark data, we also want to help you understand the big data from your farm, and how it compares to the big data of the industry overall.
The PigCHAMP team recognizes that big data can often be overwhelming. By publishing Benchmark, we want to help you compare yourselves to other farmers, develop new strategies, and take action by implementing best practices on your farm. Hopefully, we can contribute to improving your operations, as well as your bottom line.
Big data is trendy today, but it has always been a part of our PigCHAMP legacy - we were just way ahead of the trend.